Thursday, December 11, 2008

Updated: Finally something new

User Pilex posted this new link on the phillyd forums. The tip was given to this blog by DeaconBlade from the mysterious, shadowy, bestower of clues, Case Man (who is quite obviously Richard Findes).

Looks like if you match up form 25C with the 25c supplemental form, you get the phrase "The Chamber".

Isn't it nice to see some development?


umdesch4 said...

Well, I'm convinced that "THE CHAMBER" is the code to be obtained from Form 25C Supplemental, by following the letters traced by the orange line in Form 25C.

Now the only question is where do we use that code?

Woody said...

sorry this is unrealted to ur comment, but wasnt sure how to start new thread (sorry). i checkd around the website and couldnt find this info i found today. So, if you go on the epa hanger and type in the fearalma password and watch video; at the end of the vid in the top right hand corner of the screen is a comparrison photo of the robot to a human, if you click the human a video starts in which a women goes about killing people, not sure if this has any clue significance or just an easter egg, either way its sumin. It all looks like game footage, sorry if this has already bin posted.