Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bringing people up to speed

Clues that have been figured as of 12/6/08
Going to or brings you to Armacham's "official website", which after a few moments begins to "corrupt" and allow users to access the Admin's page.

Most of the site is off limits, but others you have to find the codes for to gain access to.


1. Go to the e-mail page and click on the e-mail about your profile picture. Click on the attachment; within the attachment you should see the text "AF2NGIC " blinking; copy that code.

From there go to the "Personal" tab at the bottom of the page and select "My Profile", it will ask for a code to access that page. Paste the text, and you will be able to access your profile.

When you enter your profile page someone will IM you; we believe that there is a "correct" response to give to the IM, though we don't know for sure yet.

In your profile there are several "Locked images". These images are of two Armacham workers, in addition to their personnel profiles. Two of these images were sent in the case that Phil received.


1. At the bottom of the page go to the EPA Hanger; it will also ask for a code. Type in "fearalma". From there you will get access to a video clip of the FEAR 2 game, and a picture of a prototype robot.

2. In the top right hand corner of this window there will be smaller gray pictures of this robot. To the left of the robot will the outline of a person. Click the person to get access to another video.


Also, going to the email window and clicking "Find" on the bottom of the page brings up a video. At the end of the video there several letters and numbers highlighted in red. Together the highlighted text is: E1CINRNAL4 (See Screen Cap post)

We don't know what this means yet

There is also an E-mail of some surveillance footage which shows bloody footprints "playing" hopscotch. This video actually gives you the code "fearalma".

These easter eggs have no apparent value.

Current Projects Module:
Click "Completed" and an image will come up; this image was also sent in the case that Phil received.

Company Financials Module:

Click the fourth plot on the chart, and an image will come up, this image was also sent in the case.

Calendar Module:

Clicking on the box for November tenth will bring up an image; this image was also sent in the case Phil received.


In the case Phil opened there are three text documents, and several photos that are already on the website.

1. One letter explains that several people have been selected to participate in some type of experiment, including Phill. We have been able to verify that 7 of the people on the list are real, but that the final candidate isn't a real person. Supposedly the last candidate is a word, but anagramming hasn't brought up any results.

2. There are also two press releases in the case. One is in English, and one is the same press release, but coded.

Deciphering the Xs (and as far as we know, only the Xs; trying with this with the other letters turns up nothing), gives this message:

"Search for the word "Readjustment"

3. Type in the word "Readjustment" into the Intranet search on the Armacham site, and a video will pop up.

Throughout the video several images flash through; see the screen caps for more info.
In the video A picture of what appears to be an eye flashes through the static.

4. That exact same image is at the center shot for the image on the first "Company news Bulletin"

5. Click that image, and a new video should pop up. In the video we are given these clues:
"Playground, brain, snake, helper"

As of now we have established no connection between these.


0c4pnh4nk said...

click on the january 12th date. weirdness.

Jamis said...

i typed "yeah" no quotes into the text message i got, and got sent a new email....

Jamis said...

shart, forgot to add
J.C. Hutchins, might be referring to john hutchison
he does work with levetation, really awesome stuff... check him out.
(probably isnt him, just makin a guess)

Ryan Soudelier said...

If you click on the 2nd to last dot (left to right) on the company financial chart on the main screen. you get another image that was sent to Phil.

My Sins said...

Hello all.
If you look in the top left corner of the armacham site right when it crashes there is a female figure.


Unknown said...

I don't know if this is new or old and me posting it is stupid. But when you first login to through "my profile" and the chat opens up, I typed "No." Exactly like that and got an e-mail. It's titled "Strange Footage. I'm not sure if this happens to everyone, but I'll check back, so if this doesn't happen to everyone I'll explain the e-mail and what the video shows.