Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Video and a new document

w00t! JC Hutchins left a comment directing me towardds this video , on the blog a couple days back.

Also, there is a new document available on the armacham website announcing Richard Findes "personal break".

I'll be back with screenshots and more info when available.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Another Press Release

Looks like the first company news article now links to a new press release. It doesn't appear to be a clue as opposed to more information about the F.E.A.R. lab. 

Check out a screenshot of it here:

Props to MrReaper for the screenshot.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Updated: Finally something new

User Pilex posted this new link on the phillyd forums. The tip was given to this blog by DeaconBlade from the mysterious, shadowy, bestower of clues, Case Man (who is quite obviously Richard Findes).

Looks like if you match up form 25C with the 25c supplemental form, you get the phrase "The Chamber".

Isn't it nice to see some development?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hopscotch screen caps

These are in order of appearance; notice the unusual changes in the time stamp recordings.

Well that seems kind of funny...

After a couple of hours of discussion in the phillyd forum, the following observations have been shared:

In the "security" footage, the time stamps do not follow in a continual manner; instead of progressing from 12 minutes to 13 minutes then to 14, the time stamp jumps around, starting at 25 minutes then skipping back to 4 minutes at one point, and ends with 1: 40 approximately.

I have not yet recorded the entire time stamps, but I will be back with screen caps later on.

The scavenger hunters think it means we need to interpret the data in that video in a particular order; it may apply to the number letter combinations that appear at the top of the screen.

If this is true than instead of "7F 1A 9S 6J 3W 8Q", the new order would be "1A 6J 7F (7F) 9S 3W 8Q"

Also, hunters noticed early on that the date for January 12 brought up the itinerary for January 25 (the year 2008 for some reason). But as someone pointed out, all of the dates for January are screwed up save for January 5.

What this means has yet to be known.

Probably nothing, but still worth noting. One of the images has very faint, gray writing that can only be observed if the image is manipulated. The screen shots below point it out.

Original colored image:

Image sharpened, monochromed, and inverted.

It's possible that the white box is actually representative of an x-box, and that the writing is irrelevant to the whole hunt, so hunters aren't worrying about it too much.

That's all for now!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Continue the Hunt In the Philly D forums!

So those of us who were hanging out in the phillyd chat yesterday got locked out after the live show ended. Since then I haven't heard any info from the sacvenger hunters. Luckily, there is a thread in the forums to discuss the clues. See you there!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Clues we're working on right now

If you have no idea what's going on then I suggest you go to the "Catch Up" Post first before reading this.

The Hopscotch video:

In the video you do get the code "fearalma", but there appears to be two other codes in there.

The phrase "t system", appears very faintly at the bottom of the screen. No one has figured out it's meaning yet.

At the top of the screen we see pairs of letters and numbers flashed. In the order they appear they are: 7f 1A 9S 6J 3W 8Q. Which brings me to...

*New Addition: EPA Hanger Video*

There is a similar number letter combination found in the video in the EPA hanger. Those combos are: 4c 3h 2b.

The "Beginning/End" Video:
The connection has yet to be established between: playground, brain, snake, and helper. However, in the "flash cards" there are numbers along the pictures, the purpose of which has yet to be known.

The "Find" Video *UPDATED*

At the end of the "Find" Video, this text is highlighted in red: E1.CINRNAL4.
At the Beginning of the "Find" Video the letters "H" and "A" are discolored as well.

The Candidate Letter:
S. Caramouch supposedly isn't a person, but if it's a clue we don't know what to do with it.

The Chair Pictures:

These images, posted on phil's site, and are hidden on the Armacham site, just seem random. We don't know why they have blueprints for what appears to be some arcade chair, or why they're regarded as a company secret. If anyone can figure out how these tie into the "big picture" here, be sure to let me know.